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front runner 1.比賽中領先者。2.遙遙領先者〔如賽馬〕。

front view

The higashi - osaka municipal small and medium sized enterprises promotion association hspa is at the center of operations with creation core higashi osaka as its base . the sub - cluster managers market specialists and cluster manager are the key players of the program in assisting innovative companies with product and market development . the program is organized under a partnership with the neo cluster project , the driving force behind the kansai front runner project the ministry of economy , trade and industrys industrial cluster project , and in cooperation with governmental institutions such as the kansai bureau of economy , trade , and industry and the osaka prefectural government , the business academia collaboration coordinators of the 13 universities that occupy the creation core higashi osaka facilities , jetro , government financial institutions , commercial banks , public testing laboratories , higashi - osaka chamber of commerce and industry , and the product and market development research society organized by various businesses 以creation core東大阪為活動據點,東大阪市中小企業振興會成辦事務局,重新配置專家,以開拓銷路負責人和制造業推進事業經理人為核心,以經營戰略積極的擁有獨自技術和擁有市場占有率特性產品的企業為中心,與經濟產業省的產業集群計劃關西領先窗口企劃的推動組織企業推進共同體合作,組建了由近畿經濟產業局,大阪府等行政關系機關, creation core東大阪內的13所大學的產學合作中介人, jetro ,政府系金融機關,民間金融機關,公營考試機關,東大阪工商會議所,商社等支援,合作機關組成的新產品開發,新市場開拓研究會。

British bookmakers were taking bets saturday on who prince william will marry following his reported split from girlfriend kate middleton , with britney spears and kylie minogue among the front runners . bookmaker william hill was offering odds of 6 - 1 that the 24 - year - old prince , second in line to the throne , would tie the knot with a female fellow army officer 威廉希爾博彩公司以1賠6的賠率譯者注:下注100元,如果贏了,可以賺500元打賭,王位第二繼承人24歲的威廉王子將與他的一位軍中女同事結婚。

British bookmakers were taking bets saturday on who prince william will marry following his reported split from girlfriend kate middleton , with britney spears and kylie minogue among the front runners 威廉王子與前女友凱特?米德爾頓分手的消息傳出后,英國博彩公司于上周六開設賭局,猜測誰會成為威廉王子的結婚對象,小甜甜布蘭妮和凱莉?米諾成為猜測的熱門人物。

It has advanced processing machinery and complete sets of test and inspection facilities . products stringent implement gb / t7926 - 2005 national quality standard , high efficiency , high accuracy , overstable , production was the front runner in the field 公司產品質量實行三包,售后服務及時周到,配件耗材長期優惠供應,免費為用戶提供技術培訓。

The star , whose “ secret “ hit the big screen in july as a box - office front runner , is planning mini stage dramas for his upcoming shanghai concert on nov . 24 , as reported 據報道,周杰倫的《不能說的秘密》 6月份作為票房領跑者初登熒幕,而他則計劃為11月24日在上海舉辦的演唱會當中設置迷你舞臺。

The company hoped customers “ reactions would help it decide its next hue , but no one color became a front runner . instead , customers called for blue , heinz spokesman robin teets said 但公司發言人羅賓蒂滋說,沒有一種顏色能夠脫穎而出,相反地,顧客們普遍期待藍色番茄醬的誕生。

This sector , which is already one of the world front runners in the production of manufactured goods , will become the most powerful in the world by the beginning of the next century 電子及電器行業,作為世界工業品生產中的領先行業,將成為下個世紀初最強有力的產業。

Prosecutors cleared li miung ba of wrongdoing , but his rival still hopes to see some seize on popular skepticism about the front runner frontrunner 原告已經澄清了李明巴的過錯,但是對手卻仍然抓住這個強敵的小辮子不放,想引起民眾對他的普遍質疑。

The company hoped customers ' reactions would help it decide its next hue , but no one color became a front runner 亨氏希望由顧客對此的反應來決定哪種顏色該唱主角。

Yo fuck that , focusin about the front runner who you think you is 想你想你我要這一生都這么喊你

Who are the front runners in the presidential contest 哪些人在總統競選中最有可能獲勝

Who are the front runners in the presidential contest ? 哪些人在總統競選中最有可能獲勝?